Michael MurphyMichael Patrick Murphy's Stand on Social Security

The Author of "The Government" takes a stand on current issues for 2010

(Social Insecurity)
by Michael Patrick Murphy, (a registered "Decline to State" Independent voter)
14th of February, 2010,

Most Americans don't realize that Social Security was a Ponzi Scheme from the get-go. It couldn't work and hasn't worked as funded and written. The money provided by workers was used to fund the public works projects of the government in a poor attempt to end the Great Depression. Back then, you couldn't collect unless you were over 65. At the time, few people lived over 65. It was therefore "free" money for the government as the unpaid amounts were forfiet. Though it put some people back to work, it was also one of those things that Franklin Delano Roosevelt did to extend the Great Depression. As what I consider to be a totalitarian communist, FDR signed this and other political schemes into law. All it did was win him more terms in office as President. It did nothing for the American people as a whole.

Social Security was a scam then and is one now. This becomes more apparent as people read over the documents of the day, now available through the Freedom of Information Act. This availability may not last much longer as the past two administrations have been working to hide the government's indiscretions.

Those of you looking forward to Republicans in office should read more. G.W. Bush was as bad a communist statist as Barack Obama. It is time for "we the people" to run, fund and elect a non-partisan president that refuses to "take the money" from other countries, corporations, special interests, etc. He should limit what he takes from individual voters, too. This is possible. You just have to lead by example.

FDR started by not understanding the constitution as admitted by its authors. He said, "If, as our Constitution tells us, our Federal Government was established among other things, "to promote the general welfare," it is our plain duty to provide for that security upon which welfare depends."

Most of FDR's life was spent "being wrong." Communism was not the intent of the authors, but like the Bible, many tend to read into the Constitution what they want to despite the authors later defining what was meant.

What FDR, the Social Security program's instigator said to the American People:

Social Security was provided for immigrants under the Carter Administration even though they never paid into it. Also, working non-citizens would pay into it without seeing any benefits unless they became a citizen.

Seniors lose their benefits depending on who they marry and whether or not they use their dead spouses benefits in lieu of their own. In other words, social security steals from living seniors, too.

While the theft continues under the custodianship of both the Republicans and Democrats, Americans need to remember that Congress gave themselves 100% retirement benefits after serving one term in office. Can we vote that for ourselves?

Social Insecurity is one of many pieces of evidence that you are now, and have been for some time, living in an elegant totalitarian state. Thanks to cheap goods from China, we think we still have money after the government took more than their share. When we buy Chinese goods we directly or indirectly fund their military, their regime and their U.S. lobbies that indirectly fund our political campaigns.


We need to pay what is owed and then end the following if we truly want to save America:

Social Security, Medicare, Federal Reserve, FDA, Osha, EPA, Department of Homeland Security, and the printing of money by the govenment. In a free country, anyone should be allowed to print currency and be allowed to use any currency they choose to. The currencies will be worth, as THE currency is now, only what people think it is worth. Quoting Watto of Star Wars fame; "Republic credits?!? Republic credits are no good out here."



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