Everyone knows that Republican Incumbents and even some Candidates rule Placer County. | |
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Michael Patrick Murphy, Placer County LP Vice Chair, Candidate
for the CA Assembly District 4 What the average person in Placer County doesn't know is who their representatives are, who funds their campaigns and what they do once elected. But conservatives here sure like the smell of the "R" in front of their names even if they ever figure it out in so-called non-partisan races like those being run for County Supervisor in District 1 and 2. I actually had to drive back for a double-take of County Supervisor District 2 Robert Wegandt's huge campaign sign that read "Tax Fighters for Robert Weygandt." If Robert Weygandt is a tax fighter, then I'm the Virgin Mary. Nobody stands up for Placer County's bloated government more than Robert M. Weygandt. I get even more ticked when I remind myself that Robert theoretically is MY representative. The fact is that because of folks like Robert, I am over taxed without representation in Rocklin. He's absolutely no representative of mine. I thought, "does the average citizen in his supervisorial District vote based on these stupid and expensive signs folks like Robert spread all over the place? Is that all the intelligence we can muster? Maybe we simply need signs to remember their names? These guys manage an average of between $5,000 and $10,000 per family in property and sales taxes paid to this County. I guess locals really don't care about or need the money enough to know how its been going down the drain faster than this year's rain. In my reality, nobody wants to increase your taxes more than Robert. He loves to spend money, especially when its your money and he told me that he wished there was more for County social programs. Never the less, it appears that people are none the wiser this election than they were the last one and he knows it. One things for sure, he's not going to be the one to tell you the truth. Check out his website. Do you see his record posted there??? Of course not. Do you see who's behind his campaign??? Of course not. You'd have to go to the County Supervisor's Meeting Minutes. In fact, I couldn't find the campaign money at Placer County's website last time I looked. I guess the County is covering for Robert these days. After all, if you work for the County, you want a big tax and spend guy like Robert as a Supervisor. I smell developers and over crowding, traffic and smog everywhere, especially in Lincoln where ol' Weygandt hails from. There the whole City Council has campaigns funded by developers. And guess what? Robert's not alone. There's also "Rocky" Rockholm putting in an all out effort to replace Placer County's second biggest spender, Ted Gaines another Doolittle-Developers' boy who's spending his hundreds of thousands of dollars of Doolittle and developer money to run against little ol' me. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire" with another candidate who's "on the take" from developers as Rocky demonstrated in his campaign for Roseville City Council, probably the most perverted conservative council in Placer County. It's a developers Mecca, thanks to the likes of "Rocky," Bullwinkle and friends. It really is entertaining to watch their self aggrandizing film at the start of council meetings and their manic attempts to wrap themselves in the trappings of patriotism at meetings. Those cute girl scouts saying the Pledge of Allegiance as council assists in adding enough cement to Roseville to build 30,000 crypts in Baghdad! So if we are lucky, since no true conservative ran for Supervisor, we'll get stuck with Pauline Roccucci and Jerry Simmons (who like's Labrador Retrievers and can't be all bad). But let's face it, when we look at the money, we're most likely going to get those dirty incumbents back again. I hear yard signs work on simple people and I guess when one sees the quantity and size of the signs, these guys think we're about as simple as they come. Come on guys, how much cement can we get on a square inch of land anyway? Good luck Pauline and Jerry. I'll probably be voting for you if you can prove to me that you can stand tall against Doolittle and his Developer minions and bring back the meaning of fiscal responsibility, but I gotta warn you, if I see you accept one check from a developer, consider yourselves politically lynched in effigy. Unfortunately, Placer County's naive as bricks Republicans don't have a clue about what's going down here and have become so disconnected from their government that they will actually deserve all that is about to overtake them. After the poop hits the fan, I don't want to hear them complaining about traffic, smog and social programs. It's their fault we have those problems. The County all but advertises to L. A. and San Francisco to send their folks here. That's what happened you know. They screwed up their old neighborhoods and now they come here to repeat their mistake. If you want inflation and to live in an overcrowded area, then vote in the incumbents and get what you deserve. Sadly, I alone seem to be standing in front of the elephants. A fool I may be, but I would rather be trampled as a free man standing for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, then die a slave slowly strangled by Placer County's oligarchy. Those of you with any stomach for a good fight will join me on election day when I VOTE OUT THE INCUMBENTS. Pass on the message to everyone you know. "VOTE OUT THE INCUMBENTS" Vote out King John Doolittle's crowd that has left us in a developer owned communist county. Remember, who needs Democrats when the Republicans here are communists! No communism, no socialism and nobody's allowed to buy my government. Put a Libertarian in your tank and you'll get better mileage out of your tax dollars. Stand Tall. |
are needed to Run Against Rocklin City Council
and Placer County Supervisor Incumbents. Let's
bring social and economic freedom back to Placer
County! Mike's views do not necessarily represent
the views of the Placer County Libertarian Party Mike
can be reached at mmurphy@americanliberty.org |